
Showing posts from 2009

this october.....

i just wanted to post something...but i cant figured out what... well anyways.. my target now is to work harder to get a laptop.. or a mac after that...i have to increase my income dramatically... using my own idea... i just hope that my boss company doesnt go bankrupt... oo thats right i just had and idea to create a new skin/theme for the web... ok thats it... this is posting of the month i guess... i hope i get a date today....see yaa

CodeIgniter and SQL Server 2005 using COM class

im forging codeigniter 1.6.3/4 to connect to sql server 2005 i dont post it here im only posting it at code igniter forum please read it here

Extension JS - a cool web desktop

my friend is introducing me to this tools or stuff or just some plugin made by javascript its called extension JS. its a javascript library to create a desktop on a browser if you wanna see a desktop on a browser see on this sample its really tickle my programmer nerve...i wanna create something too...

found some old article about php, sql server 2005 and adodb.connection

well im just googling about how to connect PHP to SQL Server 2005 and i found some article about it. this is the site

Just Posting

im just post something to the learning PHP 5 blog . its my other blog. it tells about my journey in PHP world. well its not a big thing. its related to how to connect PHP to SQL SERVER 2005. well if you want to read it. just read it there. maybe it'll help

Lagi nyobain bikin template uy

Ok learning never end skrg saya lg belajar bikin layout web... yang ternyata susah pisan banyak tutorial untuk bikin web pake photoshop. tp klo jiwa designer nya ga muncul ya ga akan bisa.. drpd lieur..mending copas aja nih ada link bagus. buat contoh bikin template web.

Anda ingin berpenghasilan 30jt/sebulan dengan modal badan

hanya butuh 5 kali sehari.... anda bisa dapet 1 juta sehari atau 30 juta sebulan.. hanya dengan modal badan caranya : JUAL DIRI ANDA 1 kalinya 200 rebu beres dah 1 juta sehari... perhatian : ini bukan MLM... udah muak ama tren cr duit cepet.... ga ada yg namanya cr duit cepet.... klo ga nipu, maling, nyopet, jual diri.... yg bs dpt duit tu cm org yang mau usaha dan belajar. klo mo lebih cepet lg ya.... usaha nipu, blajar maling, latihan nyopet, coba-coba jual diri. fuck to get rich fast

mo blajar photoshop

pnasaran ama bikin layout web pake Photoshop... smua yg bikin web design pake photoshop pasti hasilnya keren2 gatau knapa? skarang sih lg sibuk bikin web pake php... aq blum pernah nyentuh design.... padahal design biasanya hal yg paling pertama diliat.... anyway org seni harus bisa photoshop ama corel.... klo bisa yg terbaru... klo org design selain hrs bisa photoshop ama corel jg harus bisa autocad ama 3d...

im just uploading fan art

well i dont have anything to do. im just uploading 2 pictures today.. and repairing 4 modules of my job.. and one modules is undone.. life's hard you know