
Showing posts from 2008

Never Ending Job

This job... programming thing. its like never end. its always evolve to a new kind of stuff. i think its also goes for everything in this world. cant help it. we just have to adjust to a new kind of job. should i look another job or something. oh well, lets just see whats happen in the next 3 month. i just wonder what can this company offer to me.

Sax oh saxophone

the way she blow its kinda cool. the way its she sound......nope i cant hear it. its only a picture

work and work

this week until next week is gonna be a whole lot of work. even on saturday and sunday too. well at least on January the workload gonna be easier. its just only a week off. lets just hope that next week ill be doing this blog again. if not then its on january

My Own Web

im going to create my own site. to have a site its just like to have an identity of yourself in the net. what i want is to create a site that define myself. and just me. but i dont have the right tools and money to keep a site. but still i will create and make my own. its kinda a long way i hope im up to it. jya ne

Cascade di jkt ampe sabtu

wah sukses ya barudak cascade. aq nitip oleh2 aja. lg sibuk sih.

Cascade show dmn sih?

ampe lupa nih. cascade manggung dmn sih bulan ini? ko kaya ga pernah ada kabarnya. oh ya plg hrs liat myspace nya ya. oh well good luck buat fellas on the band and stay healthy.

Kerjaan Numpuk lagi

duh. Deadline proyek makin deket. kerja makin banyak. client request jg tambah banyak. bete deh jd programmer. my own life began to fade away. im become even more workaholic. sabtu en minggu yg biasanya pada libur. skrg malah jadi hari kerja. tp aq dpt film dvd yg aq tunggu2 nih. jd nya aga fresh dikit lah. dvd nya punya judul Jeff Dunham Very Special Crhistmas: Special. genre nya komedi yg jelas aq ketawa ampe bercucur airmata. my long wish is pengen denger suara jazzy girl dari jaktim nih. pnasaran. ga biasa nulis nih. klo bahasa program sih is ok. untuk temen2 yg baca postingan q ini. klo bisa comment aja yah. oh ya. ada yg punya saran ga. mending jd PNS ato kerja jd programmer aja di swasta?

I Want to Call Her but....

i want to call someone this mont. someone from jakarta. im just too embaresed to say hi. im affraid, im disturbing.. oh well lets use text messaging. maybe ill get a response.

So Much For Busy Week

ah its not so hard once you get past this. whatever happens, happen. even if the result were bad, we still moving forward. "Keep Moving Forward" thats our quote of the week. taken from Walt Disney. anyway, for someone who workin out to pass the final exam. oh well, times running out i suppose. but just keep tryin. for this month im gonna add some skill. and thats making multimedia software using FLASH. its to help some guys who want to create his own name over the web. theres no money in it. but ill manage somehow.

busy week

2 minggu terakhir and mungkin view month ahead, my life will be bout work all the time. its just gettin on my nerve... lucky i have a holiday..... just holiday not weekend. but ill keep posting anyway. i still have my dream and my silly plan and project. oh yeah and of course this blog. and bout Cascade. well they plan to do something about someshow at ITB. i just hope for the very best for them. i know that they really make music not just some shit with money on it. they got soul. thatsit for now jya matta


abis bubaran lgs ke babeh. babeh kliningan semacam kafe gitu loh. lebih mirip madtari tp porsi yg cukup aja. harga cukup jg. goceng bs kenyang. trs ngobrl lg. makan lg. n found out that SUSU JAHE is a real feat. ga nyanka ko ada minuman yg sehangat ini di dunia. well anyway i want to try it again


duh pengen punya camdig uy. camdig yg bagus. duh pengen punya kompie uy. kompie yg bagus. duh pengen ke jepank uy. jepank yg ribet banyak kerjaan. duh pengen punya pacar uy. pacar yg deket ama rumah. duh pengen deh. yg bagus. duh jadiin lagu tuh kayaknya keren..................wae. aq klo nyari pacar ga muluk2 nyang penting baik.....................................cantik.............................kaya.......................... udah gitu aja lah matre donk. yg pasti ill give my love to her. in every single breath. im sorry that i have bad breath.

Reunian ama anak delapan klas satu lima

wow never knew itll be a great feast. nyang dateng banyak. tp kebanyakan ga inget namanya cm tau mukanya.....sori ya. yang sukses ga pada dateng. bukan berarti yg dateng pada gagal. one things that i know today is that ....... something never change they just got older. and, its just me or someone just got preetier... oh well the one that getting preety is the one who already get a manfriend not a boyfriend. ill get my girl somehow, somewhere, sometime....the hardest thing is that will she like me..... who give a crap lets just go and say hi......everything will run smoothly afterward......or not. back to topic : today is a great day.


this dude is amazezing ventruliquoist ---thats a bad spelling anyway this achmed the dead terrorist is the doll that he palyed i like it alot. i laugh every time i watch it

Ribet bikin Surat Kelakuan Baik

hari ini di suruh bikin surat kelakuan baik. wajar lah dulunya penjahat. yang bikin puyeng sih prosesnya klo dibuat simple sih kaya gini.. RT -> RW -> PolRes - > PolSek -> Ribet dah ya pas udah beres......."Suratnya diambil besok aja ya" damn

Hasil Liputan di AIRPLANE SYSTM

nih lagu pertama yang mereka bawain. mayan lah.

Log of my life

still busy with programming. im coding PHP now. creating web sites. its tough. got news now for the cascade boys. theyll interview by fast forward. hope they got what they wished for. making band is hardwork afterall. good luck guys. if anyone wants to meet me probably after rush hour. and its close to midnight. done im not very good atwriting am i

Cascade Live from Airplane Systm with stars like the Sigit, Vincent Vega, Homogenic sponsord by Prambors and Airplane

hari sabtu...yg laen sibuk malem mingguan gw nonton Cascade. im stil single....damn. oh well at least i saw homogenic. the're so cool. oh yeah bout the duds then. i think they start to early at 1630 hours. i forgot the pics. well i dont have camdig anyway. the songs are...... i dont know any of em. damn what a great reporter i am. oh i know about the food though. its pudding, fruity soup, chicken, mie, ...... wait the minute. oh well i will get the pic soon. oh yeah some of the friend have the clip for it hope i can upload it soon.

Cascade waktu pas recording n VIDEO KLIP

ini bardk waktu rekaman album. yg jelas bukan aq yg upload. trus ini hasil shooting video klipnya. yg menurut aq telat banget. masa bandung shoot nya kalh cepet ama finalis yg lain.

A day with Cascade

yup its saturday night and without girl. its just us making some rhytm and music well not us them. im just watching....ok sleeping. they jammin and i think its a new song. i just wish i had a camdig so i can record the whole thing. the video from PVJ concert just arrive. it needs some adjustment. itll take a while until the whole thing being uploaded and set up. just wait ok.

Log of my Life

hari ini lg chat ama erline nya cantik, baik, tapi blom pernah ketemuan... emm apalagi ya hhhhh

Log Of My Life

These three days im workin on web programming that use PHP as the language and IIS as Web Server and SQL SERVER 2005 as Database. well its preety damn boring just to code all day. at noon im always gettin sleepy. well its all part of the job. thats work! truth is i dont like work im more like art and social person althought art and social doesnt come along maybe a bit more like moody person. Coding how am i goin to escape this. aw gwad plis help. ok off to AI house...if you dont know. hes cascade bass player.

Before the show

Yessh im ready lets get it on lg nunggu giliran......... nunggu lg its time to get ready smuanya kliatan tegagn but its normal so be it.

Foto Personil CASCADE

ini DEA vocal. Ini Rommy Keyboardist.......organ tunggal hehehe OPIC the melody maker AI bassist ADON Drummist eh mer


CASCADE lagi bawain lagu SHE PRETEND duh sori klo aga ga kliatan personilnya. ntar deh posting berikutnya CASCADE deh.

Nonton CASCADE LIVE from PVJ with OZ and COSMIC

aduh baru beres pisan nonton barudak CASCADE live di Paris Van Java lumayan lah dapet jepretan keren di CamDig pinjeman dari temen trus kenalan ama temen baru. mulai maenya sekitar jam stngh 3-an yang harusnya maen jam stngh 2-an. sblmnya check-sound jam 10 jadi CASCADE udah disana lama pisan mana lagi panas trus tidur baru 1 jam. kasian lah pokonya mah. tapi acara yg digelar OZ Radio ini lumayan sukses lah. ehm meski ehm ga ehm dapet ehm bayaran. Foto nya ntar aja yah mo disorting dulu. gambar nya sih lumayan. wajar lah baru blajar PhotoGraphy...... any way klo ga salah ada yg Ngerekam juga pake HP slama CASCADE tampil live. tunggu aja ya Video nya ntar dikasi tau lewat youtube.


Buku yang kata seseorang terkenal seluruh U.S “its recommended” ini akan menjadi bagian dalam hidupku. Mudah mudahan buku ini bikin suatu inspirasi untuk menjadi or atleast ive good memory about the book. Setelah membaca sebanyak 24 halaman buku ini emang bagus maksudnya tiap halaman semakin menarik untuk dibaca. Mungkin sama kaya chicken soup for the soul itu. Anyway im going to read again and I hope itll be a good expirience.

Belajar Bahasa Jepang dengan mudah

Belajar bahasa tidaklah terlalu sulit karena ini menyangkut kebiasaan. Kita - warga Indonesia berbahasa Indonesia dikarenakan biasa diucapkan dalam kehidupan dan pergaulan sehari – hari. Tidak terlalu berbeda dengan bahasa Jepang ataupun bahasa asing lainnya meski yang dibutuhkan adalah kebiasaan baru serta waktu yang cukup untuk mempelajari bahasa, budaya serta kebiasaan orang asing dalam berbicara secara formal ataupun nonformal. Wow kayaknya susah deh Belajar bahasa jepang dapat dimulai dengan mengenal huruf – hurufnya. Belajarlah mulai dari 1.hiragana 2.katakana 3.kanji hapalkan setiap huruf dan cobalah mulai membaca buku berbahasa jepang tanpa bantuan panduan huruf. Setiap membaca ada baiknya kita mencatat atau menghapalkan sedikitnya 10 kata benda, kata kerja, dan kanji. Bermain dialog atau latihan dialog didepan kaca juga berguna untuk membiasakan kita berbicara bahasa jepang. Menonton film berbahasa jepang dapat membantu kita untuk mendengar percakapan dan budaya berbicara oran...


Today Date September 1st, 2009. Is the beginning of my writing in progress. Hari senin ini saya melakukan sedikit workout supaya otot nya lebih bekerja sedikit. Meskipun dalam lingkungan berpuasa olahraga harus tetap dilakukan demi menjaga metabolisme tubuh tidak berkurang. Rencana lainnya sih mau cari bahan buat blog skin, writing material, love material meski im not a very romantic person this just to spice up things a lil bit. Karena sekarang masih manual learning of japanese language mudah – mudahan pada end of month I can do some speech of myself and a very much of kanji. Latihan kardio terpaksa ditahan ato di alihkan ke sore hari sementara fitness ato weighting sama streching ke pagi. Positive thingking harus dibuat supaya menjadi lebih bermakna setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan. Ini beberapa contoh positive thingking yang dibuat sendiri : Saya akan menjadi kaya raya. Saya akan menjadi orang yang sukses. Saya akan membahagiakan keluarga dan teman saya. Saya akan pandai berbicara. Sa...

Blog skin

im tryin to create my own skin so ..... im googling.......and i think its hard..... just choose from free template or some thing

Cascade - LA Indiefest 2007 finalis

seisi band nya is my friend. it consist of a gamer, a japanish, a big boobs lover, a soundman, and a i dont know he can hit drums. any way lagu nya lumayan lah enakeun duh ga tau harus ngetik ape lagi.

Ngebantu bikin skripsi Object Oriented Analysis

sekarang lagi ngebantu bikin skripsi temen. judulnya err lupa tapi yang jelas analisisnya pake Object Oriented jadi disebut Object-Oriented Analysis. kesimpulan dari Object Oriented analysis adalah kita cuma bikin notasi diagram sebelum di buat menjadi program. aq pake buku Object Oriented Analysis punya Peter Coad dan Yourdon....... apaa gitu lupa. aq udah bisa bikin notasi Object Oriented Analysis. belajarnya sih pake reverse engineering dari code program yg udah sedikit OOP yaitu ASP.NET Starter Kit e-Commerce 1.1 C#. tapi kenapa rasanya ada yang beda. ah well dari pertama baca aq ga pernah nemu apa artinya OOA. nemunya sih di buku UML applied. karena ga ada yang namanya translasi dari notasi Object Oriented Analysis ke C# OOP Language jadi aq ga bisa apa apa di bagian implementasi. yg penting mah beres aja dulu dan maksud buku serta analysis nya terpenuhi. klo ada orang yang bisa translasi OOA ke OOP please create an article itll be a great help. thanks

i wanna console game

its been so long since ive got one since playstation 1 its my high schooll days. i never felt to have playstation 2. now since ive graduated from UNPAD i hope i can get to work and have a power err money to buy at least ps2 well i just wanna play ffxii the greatest gameplay ever. ffxiii is already out what im supposed to do. im not working well im searching for it. basically im a programmer. a programmer supposed to have alot of money. but these day. i mean now adays a programmer is going cheap. you dont need to go to college to have a background as a programmer. any way i hope by doing something i will get my console game. the first one that i bought by my own hand. oh well. thats it im done writing. if iget the mood ill start writing again. bye