Yii Framework :: Intro

In few months i've been learning a new framework PHP - at least its new to me - called Yii Framework.

its freakingly amazing. with Yii Framework you don't have to create MCV and CRUD from scratch. the only thing you need in Yii is only the database. and Yii works with alot dbase.

Yii provide a tool or maybe a page php that generates a quite large amount of script to create models and CRUD system. of course with that it really saves a lot of time.

here is the link to website :: http://www.yiiframework.com/

learn new things guys... its fun


entjik said…
Riza, tolongin gue dong, gue nga bisa integrate code igniter 2.0.3 sama AdoDb. Gue copy tutorial elo tapi nga jalan.

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